So, I'm beginning this blog season on a drizzly Sunday night. I've been feeling pretty sick all day-- hopefully I won't feel like crap next week at work. But, since I am in one of those sweatpants/feeling sorry for myself moods, I'll begin my blog rather than doing anything that could prove to be more productive.
I used Livejournal years ago, (http://breakfast.livejournal.com) I believe, if it's still posted. This will be a new experience though. I think my problem with live journal was that I was still in that gotta-live-it-up-in-college, or at least pretend-like-I-always-do (see pic), stage... so I only posted about nights out. How boring is that? So, instead of worrying about making my life interesting for my possible future readers, I think I'll just comment on the extraordinary occurrences of New York City. Because statistics show that no matter how crazy you are in this place, there is always someone within 15 feet of you who is more ridiculous.
I'm also not really into the long posts that take more than 5 minutes to read. If I wanted to read something that long, I'd check out a newspaper or a novel. I feel like the internet is more for browsing, filling the niche of short attention span entertainment. I mean, not like I don't waste hours on the computer, but I don't like to read the same crap for too long at a time. So in conclusion, I'll leave you with this thought. Not pretty, but straight from the streets of New York. My building, more specifically.
There is an open and unrolled condom and its wrapper that have been floating around the 3rd/4th floor landing, and in front of apartments 4a & 4b. I hope this is some kind of disgusting joke, and not real life. It has gone on for far too many days now. I get offended every time I make the trip up/down from my sixth floor walkup crib.